Mary Mauvais Reeve
Mary's Latest Interactions
Happy birthday old man!
Hope the Lord blesses your year ahead!!
My love… Mary Jo??
Posted on: Nov 07, 2023 at 5:00 AM
??????????????????LOVE to you me dear friend!
Nancy!! May JESUS bless you this day and more to come!! Hope your journey is filled with His LOVE and HOPE!!
Sure would enjoy hearing how you are doing! AND how your kids— grands and great grands are doing!??????
You and Liz were my dear DEAR friends for several years!
Great memories!! Many the “double dates!” The Kappa days — some of my happiest memories!!Glad Arthur O’Dell— was that his name??
Glad we have evidence that we once could dance// run and not worry about breaking a knee or hip etc— yup!! This 80 stuff is best spent in our “ remembering “
??Diddy— Mouse??
God bless you John!!
Enjoy every moment today and do good things\ things that matter forever!
Posted on: Jan 27, 2023 at 7:04 AM
Beach School— another lifetime!!
God bless you John!! Enjoy this milestone!!??
Mary Jo— calling myself Mary Jo clarifies how LONG we’ve known each other!!
A few days early but I’d rather do now than miss telling you I have such happy memories of you!! Goodness!! How can this be?
Seems only a few years ago—-
I ask God to bless your life and keep you safe!
Love, Diddy??????????
Posted on: Nov 07, 2022 at 7:30 AM
One of my dearest friends in life!
I’m so thankful you are still kicking up your heels!! Ahhhh those Kapas!
What a great group.
With deep love!
Oh to be in Chemistry class and sing HB TO U!!!
This 8-0 stuff is a joke!! Don’t believe it for a minute!!
Hope you are healthy and strong!
My love to you and your family!!
Diddy— nice to have older friends!??
Beautiful Sarah!
Have a blessed day!!
Hope your life is filled by love of family— friends and God!
Blessings! as you celebrate 10 times of being 8??
Much love!
Can’t get over the number— amazing!!
God bless you girl!??
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FRIEND!’ I’ll try to call you today!
I’m in city not on the island so we should connect!
??Mary Jo ( alias Diddy)
Happy Birthday! Good grief!!
Can you believe it?
I think it’s a typo!! Happy 8 th birthday!
Getting closer to Heaven! That’s when we’ll catch up!!
All my memories of you are HAPPY!! So pray our Lord has continued to shower blessings over you and your family!!!??????????????
Yikes!! How can this be true?
Happy birthday old man!??????
The birthdays with a zero really are frightening!!
Now— this next decade—- hmmm?
Wonder “if”
Have a blessed day. You remain in my prayers.
Hope you are healthy and blest.